» News 20/06/2008 2:23 by Claydolf aka nOokeih



Finally , the bomb exploded in the church!
Abnormal Shooters succeeded to complete a team, COD4 TEAM.
And just with the summercup in sight, it is nice in time because that we'll still have a week left
before the first matchweek starts at CB summercup!

 It started a long time ago in pcw, nOokeih met Han.. And today Han contacted  nOokeih and started
to talk about a clanfusion or stuff, so we did a pcw 4v4 with him and Harkonnen and it went very well.
And now with them and an another player we fixed a new cod4 mainteam!


And also the substitudes; Helghast , Robin , Wot , Kefran and Warlock .

I hope to see a good outcome of this team and his features.
Good luck everyone and have a nice time!


Clanleader; Erik "Claydolf aka nOokeih" van Ommen

» News 26/05/2008 19:07 by Claydolf aka nOokeih

#A.s- is back..on COD4

After a few years inactivity, Chris and I are back and got new ideas to build a clan. A clan where you can put your faith and trust into.

Our main goal is to have a decent line-up, where we can play the SummerCup-Clanbase with and after that concentrate on different ladders/cups. We hope that further achievements will be reached in the near future...

First of all I want to introduce a new member of staff;
Our old friend, cousin, Jeffrey "wot" van Oene. He was one of the mighty three, also known as Grabfish;Lithium; etc etc. One of his main tasks will  be  informing about  news,  new images & videos for our clan. Stuff where we can laugh about...

Newest member; Josh "Warlock" Whitey from the UK. I've met him at a night in a random pub on CoD4, asked him to come on teamspeak and after a couple of days of gaming with us, he decided to stay with us. And now he became one of our members.

We hope that more members like Josh will join #A.s-, because we love to game with our heart.


Clanleader; Erik "Claydolf aka nOokeih" van Ommen

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